May 10, 2010

A little poetry


Diane said...

Is that a photo that you took? A photoshop project? What brought this to mind?

G. R. said...

You might recognize the Lion from a posting here back in February. I am rather proud of my "flame" effect. It is from a photograph I took, but isn't flame at all. I see all sorts of Lions guarding the entrances to public buildings, so why not one guarding the gates of hell.

G. R. Streff said...

I must add that yes, I was using PhotoShop Elements to vary the colors of the lion, and found that increasing the red values gave it a very ominous look. I went through portions of Dante's Inferno, until I found an appropriate passage of color and fire. The "fire" in the photo is actually the foamy splash of an Oregon waterfall. Again, it was "shopped" to get the effect.